Remove MSIQL.EXE Virus Completely

The MSIQL.EXE infection belongs to the PUP family. It’s a potentially unwanted program with adware-type tendencies. It tends to affect your system like an adware application would. In other words, it’s dangerous and highly damaging. You must act against it as soon as you become aware of its existence. The sooner you find where the PUP is hiding on your system, the better. And, when you find its lurking place, delete it right then and there. MSIQL.EXE is not something to keep on your PC. You have nothing positive to gain from it. Only troubles and unpleasantness. Go the other direction. Delete the tool, and protect yourself from its negative influences. By removing it ASAP, you’ll avoid countless problems. Like, pop-up ads, redirects, slower PC, frequent crashes, a malware risk. And, to top it all off, a security threat. Follow experts’ advice! Find and delete the infection the first chance you get. It’s the best course of action you can take, and your future self will be grateful for it.

How did I get infected with MSIQL.EXE?

The MSIQL.EXE infection leaves the impression that it just popped up one day. That’s not how it happened. The PUP, you’re stuck with, cannot just enter your system on a whim. It has to ask whether you agree to its installment. And, if it’s to enter, you have to approve it. In other words, you have no one to blame, for MSIQL.EXE, but yourself. You gave it the green light. And, odds are, you have no memory of doing it. Do you know why that is? Well, because the tool tricked you. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. The PUP doesn’t ask for approval out in the open. That leaves too much room for denial. Instead, it turns to slyness and subtlety, and seeks compliance covertly. It uses the old but gold methods of infiltration to dupe you. Like, spam email attachments, freeware, corrupted links, bogus updates. It can also spread via ‘removable media.’ Or, phones, SD cards, USBs, etc. Whichever means of invasion, the PUP uses, it needs one crucial thing. Without it, it cannot succeed. And, it’s your carelessness. The infection relies on your distraction, naivety, and haste to slither in. So, if you wish to keep your PC free of cyber threat, be cautious! Be vigilant! Do your due diligence. Always take your time to read the terms and conditions. Those few extra minutes of attention can save you a ton if troubles in the future.

Why is MSIQL.EXE dangerous?

The MSIQL.EXE infection throws you into a world of grievances. First come the pop-ups. You’ll get showered with them each time you open your browser. When you open a new tab or surf the web, you see ads. And, not just them. You’ll also see various suspicious websites, you’ve never seen before. Apart from the pop-ups, you’ll also get redirected when you browse. And, neither the ads nor the sites you see are reliable. On the contrary, they mustn’t be trusted as they conceal malware. Take the advertisements, for example. They hide infections. And, every time you click on an ad, by accident or choice, you allow them into your PC. A click equates to consent. So, by pressing a pop-up, you agree to install more cyber threats. Unless you want that, don’t press anything the PUP throws at you. Don’t overwhelm your system with malicious tools. Clicks have consequences. You may even end up with The Blue Screen of Death. Don’t let your predicament get that far. Do yourself a favor, and remove the adware-type application ASAP. That way, you’ll also protect your privacy. As was already mentioned, the nasty cyber plague threatens your private life. It spies on you. It steals data from you. And, do you know what? When it decides that it has stolen enough data from you, it sends it. To whom, you wonder? Well, to the unknown individuals that published the program. That’s right. Strangers with agendas get their hands on your private information. Are you willing to trust them with your personal and financial details? If you don’t remove the MSIQL.EXE infection ASAP, you are. Find its hiding place, and delete it. The sooner, the better.

How Can I Remove MSIQL.EXE?

If you perform exactly the steps below you should be able to remove the MSIQL.EXE infection. Please, follow the procedures in the exact order. Please, consider to print this guide or have another computer at your disposal. You will NOT need any USB sticks or CDs.
  • Open your task Manager by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ESC keys simultaneously
  • Locate the process of MSIQL.EXE.exe and kill it

  • Open your windows registry editor by typing”regedit” in the windows search box
Navigate to (Depending on your OS version)


and delete the display Name: MSIQL.EXE
Simultaneously press the Windows Logo Button and then “R” to open the Run Command

Type “Appwiz.cpl

Locate the MSIQL.EXE program and click on uninstall/change. To facilitate the search you can sort the programs by date. Review the most recent installed programs first. In general you should remove all unknown programs.
Navigate to C:/Program Files and delete MSIQL.EXE folder. Double check with any antimalware program for any leftovers. Keep your software up-to date!

Source: MSIQL

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